
Brenna Reiki Master

Holistic healing of the physical, mental and emotional


About Reiki

Energy Check In

Take a moment right now to check in with your energetic body. Close your eyes, relax and take some deep breaths. Become aware of your entire body and how it feels. What area feels lovely and relaxed? What area feels the most tension? Take note of where these areas are located and breath loving light into the places that need it. When you’re finished, identify the chakra closest to your areas of tension and research how to open it. There are lots of things we can do at home to boost a chakra’s energy flow. Have fun!

Love and gratitude,

Brenna Reiki Master

What is Healing?

Healing is:

A lifelong journey into wholeness

Seeking harmony and balance in one’s own life, in family, community and global relations

An instant of transcendence – above and beyond the self

Embracing what is most feared

Opening what has been closed, softening what has been hardened into obstruction

Creativity, passion and love

Seeking and expressing self in its fullness; its light and shadows, its male and female

Remembering what has been forgotten about connection, unity and interdependence among all things living and nonliving

Learning to trust life

♦    ♦    ♦

Love and gratitude,

Brenna Reiki Master

The Chakras

Are you familiar with the 7 Chakras? They are the main energy centers of the body and each one has a specific function in our lives. When they are in balance, cosmic energy flows effortlessly between them and the body is healthy. Unfortunately, stress and suppressed emotions can cause blockages in the energy flow, creating imbalance and illness. Reiki helps to release these blockages and promotes a healthy energy flow!


“What do I need to know before a Reiki treatment?”

Reiki is an ancient style of energy healing. It focuses on circulating and balancing the energy between the chakras (7 main energy centers of the body running along the spine). These chakras absorb and circulate universal life force energy (the energy all around us) throughout the entire body (picture arteries and veins). As the therapist, I’m a middle man, channeling the energy through my body and into the client’s body and aura. I enhance and balance the energy as it enters the client and clears blockages, increasing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

People have different experiences on the table from different sensations (magnetic pull, heat, cool, tingling) to tasting things, seeing things and feeling an array of emotions. You basically lay face up on a cozy massage table, relax and open yourself to the flow of energy. It is best to meditate or try to keep a clear mind during a treatment, but some people fall asleep which is fine too. Whatever healing needs to take place, does.

~ Brenna Reiki Master

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