I offer The Completion Process, Parts Work and Personal Coaching. Please scroll down to read about them in depth.

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Guided Completion Process Session

As a Completion Process Certified Practitioner trained by Teal Swan, I can offer guided Completion Process Sessions in person or online video chat.

The Completion Process is a precious tool for anyone with anxiety, depression, PTSD or if you just feel “stuck” in life. This process peels back the layers of us that are triggered reactions and reveals our authentic being. It allows us to integrate suppressed aspects of ourselves, letting us feel more whole, happy and stable. This technique essentially completes us and allows us to get where we want to be in life. The thing doing the healing in the CP is the presence of consciousness in the form of attention that we are offering our wounds. We will see it’s perfectly OK to feel exactly the way we feel. By using emotional vipassana, inner child work and powerful visualizations, energy that was fragmented by trauma will become available to our beings again. WARNING – it is a LIFE CHANGING and VIBRATION SHIFTING process. Also, we must face our pain head on. The good news is, that something better is waiting for us on the other side.

Completion Process
Guided Session

In Person 60-90 minutes
>90 minutes – $1 a minute

Completion Process
Guided Session:
Zoom Video

Online Video Chat 60-90 minutes
>90 minutes – $1 a minute

Rates can be adjusted by sliding scale – just ask!

E-transfer or PayPal payments accepted (please send to the email below) I also accept credit card through a Square payment link.

Email fletcherbrenna@gmail.com or call/text message 250-886-7823 to arrange an appointment time

For more info on the Completion Process visit thecompletionprocess.com

Parts Work Session

To be able to understand the Completion Process, one must understand that we have inner parts or inner mirrors of ourselves. Some are there to help, others think they are helping while actually hindering us and stopping us from getting what we want. Through parts work, we are able to bring these aspects of self into harmony, increasing our well being.

Parts Work Guided

In Person 60-90 minutes
>90 minutes – $1 a minute

Parts Work Guided
Session: Zoom Video

Online Video Chat 60-90 minutes
>90 minutes – $1 a minute

Rates can be adjusted by sliding scale – just ask!

E-transfer or PayPal payments accepted (please send to the email below) I also accept credit card through a Square payment link.

Email fletcherbrenna@gmail.com or call/text message 250-886-7823 to arrange an appointment time

Personal Coaching

With my Completion Process training came the title of Personal Coach. I’ve already guided myself and many others on unique healing journeys over my years of massage, Reiki and meditation practices. This session is meant to explore ways to assist your healing. My comforting energy, intuition, unconditional presence and experience healing trauma all aid in my ability to guide you to new levels of awareness, understanding and love. This session may include: guidance, talk therapy, shadow work, trauma healing and unconditional presence and support.

Personal Coaching

In Person 60-90 minutes
>90 minutes – $1 a minute

Personal Coaching
Session: Zoom Video

Online Video Chat 60-90 minutes
>90 minutes – $1 a minute

Rates can be adjusted by sliding scale – just ask!

E-transfer or PayPal payments accepted (please send to the email below) I also accept credit card through a Square payment link.

Email fletcherbrenna@gmail.com or call/text message 250-886-7823 to arrange an appointment time