A Gathering with Drums and Dance
With Brenna Fletcher and Krystel Harvey

A 60 minute session with 2 parts:
Part 1: The first 30 minutes is a drum jam – lightly guided
Part 2: The second 30 minutes will be ecstatic free dance to music – but feel free to continue to drum to the music we put on

What to bring: We have around 10 drums to share, please bring your own & extras if you have them and are willing to share. Drums, shakers and percussion instruments are accepted, no other instruments – sorry. “But, can I bring my guita-”  “NO!” Lol

Where: A gorgeous 32′ Yurt on the edge of Metchosin/Sooke (15-20 minutes from Langford). Address will be given upon registration. *20 People max

Payment: $20.00 – Bring cash day of or send E-transfer or PayPal to fletcherbrenna@gmail.com

Next Session: Friday October 27th, 7:00-8:00pm PT

To Register: Fill out form below. Your email address is important! I’ll reply with the address.

Drumming and dance is the easiest way to connect to our primal, instinctual and emotional energies (the Root & Sacral Chakras). Many emotions can be expressed and released from the body during drumming and dance (ex. anger, grief, anxiety). We are allowed a special opportunity to connect to others and ourselves through cohesive drumming. Beats are everywhere in life and nature. Our hearts beat an average of 100, 000 times a day. Without our inner rhythm, life would not exist! We hope you can join us in a safe community and express yourself in a unique and freeing way. Let’s express it all while empowering each other!

The Yurt: A large, open and circular space. Wear layers and bring slippers/cozy socks in the Fall and Winter months.